Massachusetts Map

Boston National Historical Park

Contact Info
Charlestown Navy Yard
Boston, MA 02129

Historical Site,
National Park,


Bostonians blazed a trail of freedom from colony to independence. They met in town meetings to argue contemporary issues, they spoke against excessive taxes, and they were among the leaders in organizing a defense against British dominion. Today the sites of Boston National Historical Park symbolize the accomplishments of that revolutionary generation

Hours + Fees


Visitor centers and sites are open year-round.

Downtown Visitor Center (15 State Street), open daily, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Faneuil Hall open daily 9 amto 5 pm, except during city sponsored events.

Charlestown Navy Yard Visitor Center open daily, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Bunker Hill Monument open daily from 9 am to 5 pm. Last climb at 4:40 pm.

USS CASSIN YOUNG open daily during the winter from noon to 3 pm, weather permitting. Below deck tours at 11 am and 2 pm

U.S.S. CONSTITUTION is open Tuesday through Sunday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the summer and Thursday through Sunday, 10 am to 4:00 pm during the winter.

Most other historic sites are open 9:30 am to 5:00 pm peak season and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm off season.

All park sites (except U.S.S. Constitution) and both visitor centers are closed Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1.

Map + Directions

Basic Directions

To Charlestown Navy Yd From South
I-93 N to exit 28 (Sullivan Square). At end of ramp, turn right onto Cambridge St to first light. Enter traffic circle and take first right onto Rutherford Ave. Move left and at City Square, just before bridge, turn left onto Chelsea St. Follow directions for all (below)

From West
Mass Turnpike to I-93 N. Follow above.

From North (Route 1)
Take Rte 1 South over Tobin Bridge. Follow signs for Charlestown. Exit is 1 mile after bridge and takes you into tunnel. In tunnel, follow exit sign for Charlestown and proceed to light. At light, turn right onto Rutherford Ave and immediately get into left lane. At next light, turn left onto Chelsea St. Follow directions for all (below)

From North (93 South)
Take I-93 S. to Exit 28/Sullivan Square. Stay left on exit ramp for about 1/3 mile. Proceed up ramp to Rutherford Ave. Follow signs for Rutherford Ave/City Square. After Bunker Hill Community College, get into left lane. Just before bridge at City Square turn left onto Chelsea St. Follow directions for all (below)

For All
At first light, turn right onto Warren St, then first left onto Constitution Rd. Visitor Center is on Constitution Rd on right.

Customizable Directions

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